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Did you know that extremely painful periods aren’t normal? They’re common, yes. But that doesn’t make it “normal”. There’s nothing normal about struggling through debilitating pain once a month.

What Happens During Your Period?

During the time before you menstrate, your uterus is preparing to get pregnant. It releases an egg and builds up your uterine lining. This lining would become a cozy home for a fertilized egg.

But after the opporunity passes, your body wants to prepare for the next egg cycle. So, it sheds the lining it built. The shedding causes menstrual bleeding, and your period has begun.

So Why Can It Hurt?

During shedding, your uterus contracts to expell the lining. A hormone-like substance called prostaglandins triggers this contraction. You may not have heard of prostaglandins before, but over-the-counter pain relievers like Ibuprofen reduce the amount of prostaglandins. That’s how they relieve pain. When you’re hurt, your body releases prostaglandins to start inflammation. But they also act as pain signals in your body. When they’re there, your body tells you that part of you is in pain.

When the process is normal, there is mild discomfort. Mild enough that it doesn’t affect your day. But for so many women, the process isn’t normal. The contractions can be too strong and can press against nearby blood vessels, even temporarily cutting off the flow. The prostaglandins can be too high, causing too much pain. Or there can be a secondary cause that’s undiagnosed. These causes include:

  • Endometriosis
  • PMS
  • Uterine Fibroids
  • Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)

What If I Don’t Know What’s Causing It?

Unfortunately, many women’s monthly pains are dismissed by their doctors. Even chronic pain, emergency room visits, and other severe concerns are often written off as psychological conditions or being overly dramatic statistically more than men. For example, the average time for endomestriosis diagnosis is seven years. You should always pressure your doctor for answers when your pain interferes with your quality of life. But getting them to listen to you can be a huge challenge, and being dismissed can discourage you from seeking help.

So What Can I Do About My Painful Periods?

Fortunately, there’s help. If you know the cause, skip down to the next paragraph. If you don’t, this is for you. Keep pressuring your doctor, don’t give up, and don’t accept “we don’t know” or “you seem normal” as an answer. You’re in pain, and you deserve to know the reason why.

Even with a diagnosis, there can be a huge gap in care for women’s pain. Many react badly to birth control, don’t want to risk long term affects from chronic over-the-counter pain relievers, or are faced with drastic treatments such as a hysterectomy. But there are other options to help your pain.

Our favorite is CBD. Now, CBD has been touted as a be-all end-all cure for everything. This is not the case. However, it has its time and place. This is one of those times.

What Does It Help With?

CBD helps regulate your normal period. This means it supports:

  • Normal muscle contraction
  • Calming pain
  • Inflammation relief
  • Healthy cell turnover
  • Hormone regulation
  • Healthy blood flow
  • Normal lubrication
  • The best news? We now have one you can insert directly into your vagina. Direct relief, right where it hurts.

    We already had many reasons to love Ananda’s CBD. They’re locally grown using organic practices, you can check the quality of each batch, and they’re the only CBD company with FDA permission for clinical trials and partnerships with University’s around the world. But now their chief science officer, Dr. Capano, has become a champion for women’s health and CBD.

    How Do I Use CBD-Infused Endo Relief Cream for Painful Periods?

    Endo Relief Cream

    You can use it daily or as needed. It comes quickly to the rescue, so if you find yourself curled in pain it can help you get back on your feet. It comes with an applicator and can be inserted while seated, standing, or reclining, whichever is most comfortable.

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