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Are you sick and tired of feeling sick and tired?

Welcome to your Are you sick and tired of feeling sick and tired?

Are you tired during the day? (tired when driving, accident-prone)

Do you have spurts of energy during the day?

Do you awaken frequently at night? (restless sleeper, poor quality sleep)

Do you have trouble falling asleep?

Do you frequently find yourself anxious, irritable or depressed?

Do you work a night shift or a swing shift?

Do you or your partner snore?

Do you have physical symptoms that impact your ability to rest well? (restless legs, muscle pain, night sweats, etc)

Do you have trouble remembering things daily? (memory loss)

Are you on electronics 15 minutes before going to bed?

Do you want to stay in bed when your alarm goes off?

Do you have trouble concentrating during the day?

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