Have you been struggling to lose weight and you’re not quite sure what to do? Here are some simple, easy adjustments that everyone can use to help get their weight plan on track.
- Eat more fiber. Fiber expands in your GI tract, making you feel fuller faster and with less calories. Good foods to use are oatmeal, whole grain breads, apples, beans, and berries.
- Check for lower calorie options to your favorite foods. You don’t have to give up some of your tasty foods to lose weight. If ice cream is yours, then pick one that has reduced sugar and sweetened with something natural like xylitol. If you love fried chicken, try substituting it for baked chicken. Just be careful when something says it’s fat free or sugar free, they might be using something else to make it appealing that doesn’t lower the calories.
- Reduce your sweet drink intake. One of the biggest places that excess calories hide is in our sugary drinks. If you love coffee with cream, try using milk instead. If you love sweet tea, try using xylitol as a sweetener instead of sugar. Flavored unsweetened waters can be a good option, as can flavored unsweetened teas. Try to cut out soda all together.
- Avoid eating in front of the TV. When we eat while watching TV, we tend to continue eating more and for longer than we normally would if we were sitting at a table. This is especially true if you’ve had a long, hard day, as it’s so tempting just to veg out with snack foods while watching your favorite show.
- Avoid brief, fad diets. This one may seem a little bit contradictory, but many fad diets are difficult to maintain and try to make you lose weight too quickly. Once you stop the diet, the weight tends to come back. This leaves you feeling discouraged. It’s better to make smaller, manageable food habit changes over time. This helps you create a sustainable, healthy way of eating that will stay with you and help you lose more weight overtime.
- Meal prep instead of buying food on the go. In this day and age, we have so much information to help with preparing quick, easy meals that can be individually frozen or refrigerated and used for the whole week. This reduces how much food you have to buy on the go, and allows you to plan your calorie intake better. Some easy options include smoothie bowls, chicken and rice dishes, burrito bowls, and casseroles. If you want more information, this article will give you step by step instructions for how to successfully meal prep https://blog.bulletproof.com/how-to-meal-prep-beginners-guide/
The most important part of losing weight is to adjust yourself into healthier eating in a slow and sustainable way. And don’t forget to celebrate your successes! If you find yourself eating more food that’s prepared at home, that’s a big deal. If you normally eat in front of the TV but instead opt to give yourself a quiet space to enjoy your meal, that’s a big success. Attaining a goal you set for yourself is hard to do, and every little goal along the way should be celebrated.